Sunday, October 16, 2016

List of horse names

Now that I'm a blogger in the horse world, I hope to someday actually ride a horse.  Haha psych! I totally rode a horse twice.

Eventually, I will have sixteen horses.  But like many of my human friends, horses tend to already come with names.  But with baby humans, you can choose their names.  And if you adopt humans, you can trade out their names for a better one, like Kathy.  Buying a horse is like adopting a human, so I'm going to list all the names that I'm considering for my lucky future horses.  But they have to be special names, for my special horses; people should know which are my special horses.  WHICH IS WHY YOU CAN'T STEAL MY NAMES.  So everything in this post is 2016 © Me. (I got some legal advice from my... self.)  I would however be willing to license any of the names herein.  Contact my legal advisor 4 deetz.

I'm going to interject a complaint here.  I accidentally deleted this entire post so far and had to rewrite it, and I liked it all better the first time. :'( :'( :'( Has this happened to anyone else out there?  I'm mildly devastated.   Do you hear me?? MILDLY!!!

Okay here's my list of awesome horse names:
  1. Cough Drops
  2. Dog Food
  3. Eggs
  4. Toothbrush
Wait I'm so sorry, that was my shopping list.  Let me find my horse names:
  1. Cough Drops
  2. Saladhorse
  3. Papercut
  4. Buckey
  5. Buddy Holly
  6. Chimichanga
  7. Sir Trips-a-Lot
  8. Alternating Current
  9. Squirrel
  10. Thoreau Bread
  11. Johann Sebastian Bach II
  12. Bulldozer
  13. Jockstrap
  14. Junior the Eggplant
  15. Sixteen
  16. Blogger H


  1. Number 7 is my favorite.

    And omg yes. One time I spent an hour writing, and then deleted it somehow (??) and legit cried and just posted "F*** it blogger sucks!!". Now, I write on a Word doc then copy paste ;)

    1. I'll let you borrow Sit-Trips-a-Lot for a dressage test. The judges will love it!
      I'm so sorry to hear about the blogging casualty in your life. Copy-paste will be my friend from now on!

  2. I'm looking forward to the work you do with Johann Sebastian Bach II.

    1. I presume that he and I will fugue up some other riders with our top notch composition! The critics will say that we're in perfect harmony.

  3. When you and Kathy come visit I have a fun boardgame for all of us Kathys to play with some horse names like Cockroach.

    1. Oh boy! I cannot wait! I am quite fond of board games, and even fonder of horse names! If we have Mac n cheese in the same evening, I might die of happiness.

  4. I am hereby copyrighting the name Direct Current so you will NEVER have a full circuit horsey classic rock band without my cooperation.

    1. NOOO HOW COULD YOU!?!?!? Maybe the copyright has lapsed by now since I've taken so frickin' long to reply. Eh? Or maybe we could just start the band together!
